My Life Journeys

"I just gotta learn to stay out of my head so much"-John Dorien

Monday, January 26, 2009

My Job hunt

 So as I mentioned in the last post. I am looking for a new job/career.  

I really think it would be cool to work for a radio station/TV station or a newspaper.  anything that could get my creative juices flowing.   Maybe that's why I'm doing this blog, to get my ideas out of my head and down on something that others can comment on and critique(constructively of course) and to just be able to read some of my thoughts sometimes as opposed to just having them.  So if some of these blogs seem random at some times, well, its because I am a pretty random person, and if they were well put together I would be worried.  My other blog however, May need some kind of regular format so that I might stay on task with the issue at hand.  

Here though....plenty of open room for randomness.  

Anywho, back to the task at hand-er wait, that's not a necessity here.  I dunno.  I told you....rants.  

The career is an issue I have been struggling with for quite a bit.  I want to have a regular 9-5 job, so that I may be able to spend regular hours with the ones I love.  I would also like to have a steady pay check, and KNOW how much is coming to me each week/month/year.  so that I may budget things better.  while I don't need to SAVE everything.  I'd like to be able to know how much id have to spend.  Basically, just not being in the dark about where my next phone payment, or rent check(when it comes to that) or car payment will be coming from.  Does this make sense, or am I rambling?  

I want to get married eventually.  I want to know that I can take care of a family. i want to know that I can do so, and see them on a regular basis.  

hmm.  Something I definitely need to pray about.  the hunt is on.......... 


  • At 7/30/2009 9:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I understand your worries about the job. Who wouldn't? You have to remember that a unique (or fairly unique) skill set will get you the job you are looking for. God will open the doors of opportunity and he will even give you strength and knowledge but he will not do all the work for you. You have to meet him part of the way. Pick a goal, get whatever education/training/or certification is necessary and go for it.



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