My Life Journeys

"I just gotta learn to stay out of my head so much"-John Dorien

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Trust issue

**note, the passages quoted in this blog are from the "Message" bible**

So, it's 1am and I am up typing a blog. I just needed to share what I just witnessed. For those of you expecting the next words to be "a car wreck" "a baby being born" "the fall of the Berlin wall"--well, I hate to disapoint, but its not any of those. "Disapoint" may not be the word I would use though. For what I just witnessed, is more amazing to me PERSONALLY than ANY of those EVER could be. I was doing my reading for my small group tomorow night. (nothing like the last minute I know): Romans 4. TRUSTING God. Now, I dont know about any of my readers, but trusting God(as much as I hate to say it) is one thing I have the HARDEST time doing. So im writting in my notes. First Note:

Trust in God with EVERYTHING. He apriciates this.

I then proceed to write down the fallowing questions. You know, as somthing I could ask my small group tomorow:

  • How many of yall do that 100% of the time?(hopefully im not the only one who does'nt)
  • How can we get better at trusting God
  • How do we know when its God wanting us to do somthing, rather than ourselves?

So I write those down, and keep reading. A few lines in(and im taking just the part that stood out to me the most)--

"Trust not having a say in it"-Romans 4:6-9.

I think that pretty much took care of question 2 eh? Yeah, wait it gets better. I keep reading.

"the fullfillment of Gods promise depends entirely on trusting God, and his way,
and then simply embraceing him, and what he does"-Romans 4:16.

Well, there you go. That was pretty hit me in the mouth, to the point
there. The question is now--what will I take from
Will I learn from it, or will I keep having the
trust issues I
have with God. Time will tell.

God Bless.


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