My Life Journeys

"I just gotta learn to stay out of my head so much"-John Dorien

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Acknowledgment

I'm not really sure what made me think to type this.  I'm not even 100% if this is even going to make sense to anyone other than me, but I will give it a shot.

In Matthew 6:2-3 Jesus says:
"So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogue's and in the streets to be honored by men, I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. but when you give to the needy do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing

When I read this I strive to do things not for my, or other humans satisfaction, but for Gods.  It is very hard to do.  You want that NOW acknowledgement.  If you give to a charity through Publix or some other organization you want your name to be written on that little glove, or train or whatever they use to acknowledge your good deed-right??  Sure, we all do.  Its the same thing that causes us to get upset when we let someone over into our lane, and they don't wave to us in thanks.  We want our good deeds ACKNOWLEDGED.  Do you see a key word in this blog?  ACKNOWLEDGE

ac·knowl·edge            Listen to the pronunciation of acknowledge
\ik-ˈ-lij, ak-\
transitive verb
Inflected Form(s):
ac- (as in accord) + knowledge
15th century
1: to recognize the rights, authority, or status of2: to disclose knowledge of or agreement with3 a: to express gratitude or obligation for <acknowledge a gift> b: to take notice of acknowledge my greeting> c: to make known the receipt of <acknowledge a letter>4: to recognize as genuine or valid <acknowledge a debt>
I used to feel this way-occasionally I still do.  like I said-everyone wants their acknowledgement but would you prefer the acknowledgement of humans here on earth- or your father in Heaven.  I think I will take the later.  
It is very hard though because every time you give to a charity-they want to acknowledge you.  Some may in fact tell you its impossible not to have any acknowledgement. I disagree.  there are plenty of ways to do it secretly.
Funny that I am blogging about this now.  I was just watching the real world(Yes, I actually watch it :-P) and one of the roommates gave another $15,000 so that she could stay in Brooklyn. would he have done this had no one else known?  If he was not on TV??  
Something to think about.....

Monday, March 09, 2009

My Great God!

Today I had quite the experience.  A friend of mine, confided in me, and told me about a situation that was deeply troubling her.  God has shown his light through me enough to have her come to me and ask ME for advice, and my opinion.  What a great feeling that was.  When she initally told me what happened, I had no idea how to respond, how to comfort her, or even if I should.  

Then out of nowhere I started talking.  Making sense.  This may sound strange, but looking back on it, it seems like God was telling my friend what he wanted her to hear, through me.  I have heard about this happening, but never witnessed it.  Yet alone had it happen through me.  

I really think I helped her.  It was an amazing feeling.  How great is our God?!