My Life Journeys

"I just gotta learn to stay out of my head so much"-John Dorien

Monday, April 12, 2010

My Accountability

Webster Defines Accountability as:

The quality or state of being accountable; A willingness, or obligation to accept responsibility; To account for ones actions.

Being accountable for others is one thing, for yourself, another. I can very easily call someone up in the morning, and tell them "Hey, don't forget to do your daily bible study." Then, when it comes time for me to do it. I make up excuses. "I'll just go back to bed for a little bit. Ill get up in an hour and do it then." Well, if you're anything like me--an hour becomes three, then you wake up because you re-iterate to yourself that you have to do what you told yourself you would three hours ago. "A willingness to accept responsibility" why is it so easy to accept responsibility for someone Else's actions(or lack there of) but not your own? Good question. This is why it's a good idea to have an accountability partner, as well as be one. So with this I ask. What do you need to be held accountable for in your life? For me are as fallows:

  1. Daily reading- Opening my bible EVERYDAY, and actually trying to dissect the word for what God has planned for me that day, then applying it.
  2. Working out- Going to the gym on a regular basis. Walking. Any kind of physical activity that will get me in shape.
  3. Being the person God intends me to be- Bottom line. Don't do anything God would be ashamed of me doing. Two guys I know put it into perspective as to what I mean by this.

- "If you wouldn't say it to your grandmother, you probably shouldn't say it"

- " If someone were to take a picture of what you were doing, and put it up on facebook. Would you be okay with your grandmother seeing it?"

Not to take the WWJD lightly, but for this sort of falls into that same likeness. For those of you that wish--change it to the above: "WWGT" (what would Grandma think?)

What do YOU need to be held accountable for? Want some help??


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