My Life Journeys

"I just gotta learn to stay out of my head so much"-John Dorien

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Vent

I sit here thinking of what to blog about. It has been a while no doubt, so I figure I could write about something.

I have recently had a run in with some fellow Georgia Tech fans on This has unfortunately led me to the decision to no longer post there. I am trying to not even look there, but it feels like an accident that you drive by--you cant help but look. I like to interact with folks that have the same likes as I. This was a place where I could do this, in the comfort of my own home.

However, recently, the likes of the "nerds" that inhabit it seem it is better to condemn my spelling, and grammar, instead of giving their insight on a thread that I reply to or start. I understand. My grammar/spelling is not perfect. I know this. I'm sure they're many spelling/grammatical errors in this blog alone. I understand the need to be concerned about such things--say in a resume, or even a school paper. As my readers though, you are interested in what I have to say, and couldn't give a crap about my lack of spelling or grammar. I mean seriously, it is an Internet message board. Blog in this case. Just sayin...


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